Evaluation Module for TGS5141


The EM5141A evaluation module is designed to perform the testing and evaluation of the electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor TGS5141, which features high selectivity to CO, high repeatability and a long life.

This module is useful for evaluating basic performances of TGS5141 gas sensor, and as a reference of application circuit.

The TGS5141 CO sensor is placed into the sensor socket. EM5141A goes into normal operation within one minute after first being powered on. If CO gas is not present in ambient conditions, output voltage is 1.0V. If CO gas is present, the output current generated from the TGS5141 sensor (*1) is converted into output voltage. A linear relationship exists between output voltage and CO gas concentration. By measuring in advance, the output voltage in a known CO gas concentrations, CO gas concentration can be calculated from the measured output voltage values (*2) (*3).


  • Converts sensor output current to voltage output
  • Module designed with electrical noise reduction for stable operation
  • Anti-polarization circuit during power OFF period

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